Friday, February 12, 2010

Online it is!

Well, I think I've made the final decision to NOT return to the full-time world of education. Instead, I will keep doing what I'm doing: online Spanish classes. We have yet to make this verbal between us at home, but this is what both of us are really leaning towards. I am very excited, because I feel like I'm the closest to "professional contentment" that I've ever had. The only thing that could make it better is some commitment from my schools that they will hire me each and every semester. However, that is not how adjuncts work. But, as I watch the posts on Linked In, and probe deeper into websites when I see schools needing adjunct Spanish instructors, also reading that Govenor Heineman is wanting to look into Nebraska virtual high schools... I feel that there will be a lot of opportunity.

Currently, I have nothing scheduled for summer, so that could be a tough few months if nothing comes about. I am waiting to hear from Iowa Western about what they have for me. I believe Northern is passing me up for the summer classes. So it's nice I'm making a decent amount now, because the majority of that needs to go into savings to live off of, but to also upgrade vehicles. I have various leads for fall. I should have my 101 at Northern, and I really hope that opens up 2 sections as it has both last semester and this one.

I'm doing some networking, which is sort of strange for me because I've never needed to do that before. Yet I am finding it kind of fun! With the Director of Extended Studies at Northern leaving, I am keeping good with him and let him know to keep me in mind at his future university. Also, my text book reps... duh! It just came to me tonight that they maybe good folks who know about opportunities out there.

I guess it is a little stressful not knowing when income will head our direction, or how much from one month to the next. But we've made it work for a period of time on just one salary before, I know we can do it again if we have to. I just am too happy doing what I'm doing, and have the flexibility to work when I want to work... it was just hard to not jump on this chance. Although I feel I have some egg on my face after all but verbally committing to Westside, and now essentially taking that back, I felt it was important to make the best possible decision for our family. I feel good that we have done just that!

Friday, February 5, 2010

How can technology improve the learning relationship between teacher and student?

Krista's answer:

Technology provides a relevant environment for the 21st Century learner. The student has the opportunity to actively engage in his own learning. The teacher in a virtual classroom provides the objectives, content, communication and adjustments while figuratively stepping aside to allow the learner to take charge for himself. This fosters a sense of confidence, self-reliance and empowerment in the student. Therefore, the student/teacher relationship is strengthened, due to the individualization of instruction that is possible in an online learning environment.